The environment is in danger. We contaminate air, water and soil with the things we throw to the bin. We call it "rubbish", but it isn't. We can use again the things we have already consumed, and that is called recycling. Recycling is an excellent way of conserving the environment and saving energy. And the best thing is, we can recycle almost everything we consume.
Here are some examples of the things we can recycle: paper, plastic and glass are the most important ones. Glass is 100% recyclable and can be used again and again. We save many forests when we recycle paper: it takes 24 trees to make 1 ton of paper. And also, recycled paper produces 75% less air pollution than paper made from trees. Plastic can take up to 500 years to decompose.
And the list of things we can recycle continues: batteries, oil, textiles, aluminium, printer cartridges, computers, medicines, electrical equipment, mobile phones... almost