Scotland is part of the United Kingdom. It is in the north of the big island of Great Britain. It is a beautiful country with a strong personality. Its capital city, Edimburgh, has got an incredible medieval castle. All over Scotland you can find old castles. They believe some are haunted by ghosts!
Scotland has got a mild, green landscape, with hills, valleys, lochs (lakes in Scottish), rivers and rocky coasts. There are important populations of seals and a wide variety of seabirds. Another famous inhabitant is the monster of Loch Ness, many people say they have seen it but... there are no clear pictures of it!
Scottish music is an important aspect of their culture. The traditional Scottish instrument is the Great Highland Bagpipe, a wind instrument. Scottish names usually start with Mc (like McDonald's). In the past they lived in groups called clans, and every clan had a different name starting with these letters. And every clan had a typical kilt (a skirt made of checked cloth that only men wear).