Relaciona cada palabra que aparece en la columna izquierda con una de la derecha
Ejercicio 1
Columna izquierda >
- in the country
- car and bikes
- farmer
- cows
- pond
- under the apple tree
- dad’s favourite pet
- birthday present
- blue
Columna derecha >
- Brian’ bedroom
- farm
- house
- cat
- fish
- garage
- rabbit
- neighbour
- hedgehog
Ejercicio 2
Columna izquierda >
- wall
- Brian’s favourite sport
- Wendy’s favourite sport
- swimsuit
- woods
- boots
- downstairs
- upstairs
- shelf
Columna derecha >
- bedroom
- posters
- basketball
- camping
- kitchen
- walking
- swimming
- equipment
- books
Ejercicio 3
Columna izquierda >
- the table
- with the housework
- the bedroom
- TV
- your bike
- the cat
- on the sofa
- the newspaper
- behind me
Columna derecha >
- painting
- running
- riding
- watching
- sitting
- helping
- setting
- feeding
- reading
Ejercicio 1 = (1-3)-(2-6)-(3-8)-(4-2)-(5-5)-(6-9)-(7-7)-(8-4)-(9-1)
Ejercicio 2 = (1-2)-(2-3)-(3-7)-(4-8)-(5-4)-(6-6)-(7-5)-(8-1)-(9-9)
Ejercicio 3 = (1-7)-(2-6)-(3-1)-(4-4)-(5-3)-(6-8)-(7-5)-(8-9)-(9-2)