Colour Your English - 2008

encabezado de aplicación: mapa coloreado de islas británicas, junto a manchas de pintura y el título de Colour Your English
Word families
8 grupos asociados
Grammar explanations with examples
5 temas asociados
Brian's story: a boy like you
13 escenas asociadas
Focus on culture & cross-curricular topics
7 temas asociados
Everyday conversations
4 videos asociados
Search the web
1 webquest asociada
Expand your English
3 videos asociados
Open Camera
Icono representativo de accesibilidad
Green energy

El objetivo de esta página es hacer accesible distintos elementos de la página Green energy para aquellos usuario que no puedan acceder a los mismos. En determinadas páginas de la aplicación se utilizan objetos flash. Para poder visualizarlos es necesario tener instalados los Plug-Ins de Adobe Flash Player

Descripción de video:
El video muestra distintos ejemplos de energía alternativas: aerogeneradores, central solar, placa solar sobre terraza. Finalmente se realiza una visita a una estación de biocombustible.

Texto asociado a audio:
Green energy is energy that comes from resources that nature can replace, like wind, sunshine and plants. Coal and natural gas are fossil fuels, and these can't be replaced. It takes millions of years to form them. Fossil fuels also cause pollution. Green energy is also called "clean energy" because it doesn't pollute the air or the water.

Wind mills use the wind to create electricity. This is a wind farm with many huge wind turbines. Wind farms are built in flat, open areas where there is strong and constant wind. They are now very common in our landscapes.

Solar power is the energy that comes from the sun. We can convert this energy into other forms of energy, like heat and electricity. These are solar panels, and they generate solar energy for large-scale production. We can also use solar collectors for heating water and air at home. Many family houses have solar panels on their roofs, and even hotels and other big buildings use solar power.

Biodiesel is an example of biofuel. Biofuels come from biomass, and biomass comes from plants. Oil from sunflowers, olives, soya or colza is transformed into fuel for transportation. We can use it in cars and lorries and we help the environment because they don't cause so much pollution.

Acceso a audio:


Secuencia de imágenes representativas del video:


Conjunto de placas solares

Placa solar obre tejado de casa

Estación de combustible biodiesel