Las palabras que forman distintas frases se han desordenado. Éstas se muestran más abajo. ¿Serias capaz de ordenarlas correctamente?
Frase 1
- for
- Olive
- health
- good
- oil
- your
- is
Frase 2
- got
- book
- has
- She
- umbrella
- a
- and
- an
Frase 3
- milk
- There's
- and
- fridge
- the
- an
- in
- some
- apple
Frase 4
- any
- in
- cinemas
- Are
- town?
- your
- there
Frase 5
- How
- and
- brothers
- sisters
- you
- got?
- have
- many
Frase 6
- lights
- the
- Turn
- at
- left
- traffic
Frase 7
- talk
- Don't
- eat
- don't
- in
- exams!
- and
- in
- class
Frase 8
- studying
- English
- love
- We
- tourists
- and
- the
- with
- speaking
Frase 1 = 2-5-7-4-1-6-3
Frase 2 = 4-3-1-6-2-7-8-5
Frase 3 = 2-8-1-3-6-9-7-5-4
Frase 4 = 4-7-1-3-2-6-5
Frase 5 = 1-8-3-2-4-7-5-6
Frase 6 = 3-5-4-2-6-1
Frase 7 = 2-3-8-9-7-4-1-5-6
Frase 8 = 4-3-1-2-6-9-8-7-5