Selecciona la respuesta correcta a cada pregunta
Pregunta 1- What age do British children start secondary school?
- At ten
- At twelve
- At thirteen
- At eleven
Pregunta 2- What time do British people have lunch?
- At two o´clock
- Between 13:30 and 15
- Between 12 and 1:30
- They don´t have lunch
Pregunta 3- Fish ans Chips shops serve...
- Pizza
- Fish and salad
- Chips and hamburgers
- Fish and chips
Pregunta 4- Tea is a plant that comes originally from...
- Pakistan
- India
- China
- England
Pregunta 5- On a bank holiday...
- Banks and everything else closes
- Only banks close
- Banks open all day
- Children have to go to school
Pregunta 6- When is Saint Valentine´s Day?
- On March 17th
- On February 14th
- On October 31st
- On June 21st
Pregunta 7- In England they have...
- warm springs and cold autumns
- cold summers and warm winters
- warm summers and cold winters
- hot summers and cold winters
Secuencia de respuestas correctas: