Relaciona cada palabra que aparece en la columna izquierda con una de la derecha
Ejercicio 1
Columna izquierda >
- office
- station
- on
- turning
- left
- right
- very much
- welcome
- not far
Columna derecha >
- thank you
- it's
- second
- train
- straight
- post
- turn
- you are
- on the
Ejercicio 2
Columna izquierda >
- suggesting
- asking direction
- giving direction
- offering help
- being grateful
- at a clothes shop
- apologizing
- asking for permission
- expressing enthusiasm
Columna derecha >
- can I help you?
- where's ..?
- thank you
- excellent!
- shall we...?
- excuse me
- go straight on
- what size are you?
- can I try it on?
Ejercicio 3
Columna izquierda >
- abroad
- summer
- holidays
- travelling
- Canada
- a car
- the country
- trip
- back
Columna derecha >
- rent
- fly to
- love
- summer
- go
- last
- incredible
- drive across
- come
Ejercicio 1 = (1-6)-(2-4)-(3-5)-(4-3)-(5-9)-(6-7)-(7-1)-(8-8)-(9-2)
Ejercicio 2 = (1-5)-(2-2)-(3-7)-(4-1)-(5-3)-(6-8)-(7-6)-(8-9)-(9-4)
Ejercicio 3 = (1-5)-(2-6)-(3-4)-(4-3)-(5-2)-(6-1)-(7-8)-(8-7)-(9-9)