Descripción de video:
El video enseña como hacer un bizcocho. Un joven muestra qué ingredientes son necesarios, en qué cantidad, cómo añadirlos y finalmente cómo obtener el producto deseado.
Texto asociado a audio:
We need the following ingredients:
lour: 250 grammes, butter: 250 grammes, 1 yoghurt, 4 or 5 eggs, sugar: 200 grammes, raisins: 100 grammes, walnuts: 100 grammes.
We need a large bowl to put everything inside. Now that we have all we need, we can start making the cake.
With a spoon put the butter into the bowl. Weigh the sugar with the scale. We need 200 g. Add the sugar and then incorporate the eggs, one at a time. Mix everything with the beater. Measure the flour: 250 g. Combine with the butter, sugar and eggs mix. Don't forget to put some baking powder. Next step: add one yoghurt. Mix perfectly until it is completely blended. Now, the last thing: the walnuts and the raisins. Grease the cake pan with butter. Pour the mix. Put it in the oven and bake at 180ºC for 45 minutes. When it is golden brown, take the cake out of the oven. Mmmm, smells good... Now decorate and enjoy!
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