Fourth year of secondary education
The force of gravity
José Luis San Emeterio Peña
 F G 
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Objectives of the teaching unit

* To understand the laws of free fall.

* To differentiate the mass and the weight of a body.

* To understand the meaning of field strength.

* To understand that the earth's gravity does not have a constant value.

* To make simple calculations about the value of g, the weight of bodies or the movement of satellites.

* To explain phenomona like the tides or planetary movement in the solar system.

Objectives of the teaching unit
Falling bodies
Free fall in a vacuum
Free fall in the air
Falling kinematics
The mass and weight of bodies
The weight of bodies
The difference between mass and weight
Measuring the intensity of g
A simple measuring device
g is not a true constant
Gravity beyond the earth
The force of the tides
The movement of satellites
The solar system
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