Fourth year of secondary education
The force of gravity
José Luis San Emeterio Peña
 F G 
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Free fall in the air.


   The fall of a body through the air shows different characteristics from that of a fall in a vacuum. These differences are what deceived us for so long about the way in which free fall occurs.

    You can study this phenomenon in the following visual which simulates an object falling from a height of about 4 m.

  By following the activities suggested by the visual you can discover the different properties of the body and the environment which influence a falling body in our atmosphere. You will also easily be able to deduce in which cases falling in the air and in a vacuum show a similar behaviour.




Objectives of the teaching unit
Falling bodies
Free fall in a vacuum
Free fall in the air
Falling kinematics
The mass and weight of bodies
The weight of bodies
The difference between mass and weight
Measuring the intensity of g
A simple measuring device
g is not a true constant
Gravity beyond the earth
The force of the tides
The movement of satellites
The solar system