First year of secondary education
Pressure (I)
E. Vallo - J.Villasuso
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  • Do you know the concept of pressure and can you handle the units in which it is measured?
  • Do you understand the effect of pressure on fluids and know how hydrostatic pressure is expressed?
  • Can you interpret in scientific terms the different phenomena related to pressure in everyday life?
  • Do you know on what basis different devices related to pressure work?
  • Can you apply the knowledge you have acquired to solving simple numerical problems?

You can find out by doing this test:


What is pressure? How does it work?
Hydrostatic pressure
Mathematical expression
The pressure increases the deeper you go in liquids
Which goes the furthest?
A little goes a long way!
Communicating vessels
Pascal's Law
The Law
The hydraulic press
Hydraulic brakes: drum brakes