índex concepts

  Concepts indexed by Age
  12 years
changes of state
changes in water
model of the atom
model of a solid
model of a liquid
from large to small
attraction among masses (II)
electric attraction
attraction among masses (I)
solar eclipse
fixed stars
Evolution of stars
lunar phases
Relative movement of the earth
The planets
rotation of the earth
The signs of the zodiac
The Solar System
the earth's orbit
The Milky Way
density (calculations)

  13 years
units of measurement
voltage measurement
The energy of material systems
The changing earth
Faraday's experiment
electrical circuit (2)
direct current
electric current
Ohm's law (2)
Conservation of energy (II)
transformation of energy
electrical consumption
automatic switch
the dangers of electricity
data recording (I)
light bulb
extension cable
conducting cable
home-made battery
AC electric generator
electric motor
batteries in parallel
batteries in series
electric battery
electrical resistor
biomass energy
electrical energy
mechanical energy
nuclear energy
chemical energy
radiant energy
thermal energy
wind energy
fossil fuels
energy sources
natural gas
hydraulic energy
tidal energy
Nuclear power station
renewable energy sources
solar energy
calculating speed (I)
Calculating speed (II)
Which moves faster? (I)
speed or velocity?
trajectory: what is it?
trajectory / speed classification
vectors: what are they?
What is work? (II)
What is energy?
power (II)
confirmation of hypotheses
deductive method
formulation of the problem
prior hypotheses
inductive method
analysis and interpretation, results
data tables in UM
tables and graphs in accelerated movements
Ten to the power of..
matter causes gravity
density (2)
matter has inertia
matter has mass
mass has volume
scales of observation
direct measurements
indirect measurements

  14 years
consumer unit

  15 years
pressure and walls
hydraulic press
hydraulic brakes
the heating curve
equilibrium between different states
thermal equilibrium
changes of state
free fall in air
free fall
artificial satellites
Pressure (what is it?)
Archimedes's principle
equilibrium in liquids
hydrostatic pressure I
hydrostatic pressure II
Pressure and depth
conservation of energy (I)
energy transfer (II)
Specific heat
latent heat
the thermometer
the mechanical equivalent of heat
temperature scales
Colour (what is it?)
optical prism
amplitude of vibration
harmonic vibration
types of lenses (flash)
elements of a mirror
nitid convex mirror
concave mirror
nitid concave mirror
convex parabolic mirror
parabolic mirrors
image formation in concave mirrors
image formation in mirrors
mirror game I
mirror game II
types of mirrors
three rays on a concave mirror
model of a gas
Photovoltaic cell
telescope (elements)
telescope (resolution range)
telescope (optics)
telescope (simulation)
The solar system (theories)
Convex lens
spherical lens I
spherical lens II
types of lenses
Newton's second law
how forces originate
Newton's first law
Newton's 2nd law
Newton's third law
the variable intensity of gravity
mass and weight
measuring g
acceleration 1
Which moves faster? (II)
angular and linear displacements
radians: what are they?
how many radians are there?
radians per second
Frame of reference
trajectory depending on the RS (I)
trajectory depending on the RS (II)
displacement vector (I)
angular velocity
period and frequency
effects produced by forces
What is the newton?
kinetic energy
potential energy
what is work?
forces do work
work of friction
double-slit interference
UCM acceleration
Uniform Circular Motion
area under the v/t curve (UCM)
area under the v/t curve (UAM)
s/t and v/t graphs of a URM
Uniform Rectilinear Motion
Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion
tables and graphs in UM
decomposition of forces
how to measure forces
representation of forces
How forces are added together
forces of adhesion
forces of cohesion
surface tension I
surface tension II
waves in the sea
longitudinal wave
transverse wave

  16 years
electrical circuit
hydraulic circuit
mixed circuit
alternating current
Ohm's law
The generalization of Ohm's law
conservation of energy
Efficiency of a machine
work-kinetic energy theorem
electric power
digital instruments
absolute error
relative error
U.N.E. standards
data gathering (II)
sensitivity of an instrument
International System of Units
instrumental errors
representative value
connection of generators
electrical resistance
resistors in parallel
resistors in series
free fall
meeting of moving objects
ascent and descent of an object
electric potential energy
electric field intensity I
electric field intensity II
electric current and power
Coulomb's law
the movement of electric charges
electric potential and work
lines of force
instantaneous acceleration
acceleration 2
equation of motion
tangential and normal components of acceleration (I)
tangential and normal components of acceleration (II)
moving frame of reference
sun-earth-moon reference frame
position vector and trajectory
displacement vector (II)
vectores: composition
instantaneous velocity
average velocity
coefficient of dynamic friction
coefficient of static friction
What is friction?
What is the normal force?
graph representing work
work done streching a spring
work carried out by a pendulum
the principle of superposition II
Carnot's ideal engine
the internal combustion engine
s/t, v/t and a/t graphs of a UCM
s/t, v/t and a/t graphs
measuring the coefficient of friction
the inclined plane
significant figures
dimensional equation
conversion factors
multiples and submultiples
scientific notation
order of magnitude
speed of measurement
rounding a measurement
Joule's experiment
perpetual motion
the first law of thermodynamics
the second law of thermodynamics
physical magnitudes

  17 years
field created by a coil I
field created by a coil II
field created by a current
field created by a moving charge
magnetic flux
magnetic force on a charged particle (front view)
magnetic force on a moving charge (side view)
magnetic force on a current
magnetic force on a moving charge
magnets and currents
mutual induction
Ampere's law
Faraday's law
Faraday's law (quantitative)
lines of force in the magnetic field
natural magnetism
RLC circuit
Huygens's principle
The shape of galaxies
Kepler's laws
law of reflection
law of refraction
gravitational potential energy
apparent gravity
Measurement of G
equipotential surfaces
wave equation
angular momentum
the principle of superposition I
Photovoltaic cell
De Broglie's hypothesis
quantum tunnelling
wave function
black body (graph)
the uncertainty principle
measurement in quantum mechanics
a classical particle in a potential well
quantum potential well
black body (radiation)
SHM: acceleration
SHM: phase difference
SHM: fundamental magnitudes
SHM: position
SHM: What is it?
SHM: representation
SHM: velocity
The television
the oscilloscope
Crookes tube
cathode ray tube
speed and mass of the electrons
Doppler effect
total reflection
Soddy's first law
Soddy's second law
Radioactive particles
Radioactive constant
Absorbed dose
Equivalent dose
Radioactive equilibrium
Nuclear stability
Nuclear fission
Nuclear fusion
alpha particles
beta particles
What is radioactivity?
artificial radioactive series
natural radioactive series
mean lifetime
contraction of space
contraction of time
Michelson-Morley experiment
twins paradox
relativistic paradox
the magnetic problem
Gamma radiation
relativity (Galileo)
inertial systems
non-inertial reference frames
interstellar travel
standing waves
Bohr's atom
quantum atom
Rutherford's atom
índex concepts