First year of secondary education
The Earth and the Universe
José Luis San Emeterio
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The Milky Way 

On a dark night, without a moon and away from large cities, we can perceive among the stars in the sky a whiteish strip: the Milky Way. Using binoculars we can discover that it is made up of innumerable stars. What does this strange accumulation of heavenly bodies mean?

For centuries this was a question without an answer. At the beginning of the 20th century an ingenious astronomer called Shapley, suggested that the universe had the shape of a disc. So that the Milky Way was the result of looking at the disc in profile from the side.

Everything changed when Hubble showed that the cosmos was full of island-universies like ours, which we now know as galaxies. On the right we can see the photograph of a galaxy similar to ours.

To see the characteristics of our galaxy, click 

The Earth's movement
Does the Earth move?
Rotation of the planet
Translation. The seasons
The solar system
The sun and the moon
The planets
The rest of the solar system
The sun and the stars
What are fixed stars?
Life and death of the stars
The known universe
The Milky Way
Other galaxies