First year of secondary education
The Earth and the Universe
José Luis San Emeterio
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Does the earth move?

When we are riding a bicycle we clearly see that we are moving with regard to the road. If we are sitting in a car our sensation of movement isn't so clear. If we are in a train, a really large vehicle, we have the illusion that it is the landscape that is moving, not us. 

Our planet is enormous compared with a train, that is why, although the earth is moving, it seems to us that it is still and the sky around it is moving.  
We are going to try to study the earth's movements and how we human beings see them.

In the following visuals, when necessary the human observer is represented by a red spot: Mr. Smiley

The Earth's movement
Does the Earth move?
Rotation of the planet
Translation. The seasons
The solar system
The sun and the moon
The planets
The rest of the solar system
The sun and the stars
What are fixed stars?
Life and death of the stars
The known universe
The Milky Way
Other galaxies