Third year of secondary education
The Scientific Method
Sci. Meth.
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Record the values obtained in tables  Actividad 3-5

The data obtained in experiments should be recorded in tables and turned into graphs to be able to better study their relations. 

Galileo probably collected his data like you are going to do in the following experiment:

Start the visual (click on Pendulum)  and note down the data obtained in the table on the left. 
The independent variable is usually placed in the first column. Remember that the period is the time taken to make a complete oscillation (for example the time it takes to get back to the initial position). When you write the values in the table, the pendulum disappears, click on  Pendulum again to recover it. 
Which are the dependent and independent variables here?







The models
The experimental method
Consideration of the problem
First hypotheses
Record of values
Analysis and interpretation
Confirmation of the hypotheses
Deductive method