1st year of post-compulsory secondary education
Electric current
J.L. San Emeterio
EC Unit
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We often want to connect more than one device to the same circuit. You will study the case in which we connect several light bulbs, but the conclusions are valid for the resistances of any device we connect.
When all the devices are connected in such a way that the same intensity of current passes through all of them, we say they are in series. This is the case, for example, of the lights on a Christmas tree. Click on  to study this case.
However, when the different elements are joined to common connections, we say they are in parallel. This is how almost all the devices in our homes are connected. Click on to study this case.



The concept of a circuit
The hydraulic simile
Elements in the circuit
Characteristic magnitudes
Laws and basic magnitudes
Ohm's law
Power and energy in the circuit
The generalization of the laws
More complex circuits
The arrangement of resistances
The arrangement of generators
A combined circuit